Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Themes, and a Good Weekend Too

I am in the process of coming up with an overall theme for the blog. I think it will be Moorish influence on Barcelona, with unrelated updates pertaining to biking and food.

The weekend has been nice. I went to the FC Barca game on saturday and sat very close to the field, enjoying the 4 goals scored right in front of me. The game ended up very lopsided but it still was a very enjoyable game. Sunday brought a car ride down the coastline about 100 km to Terragona (with a few detours). I rented a car at the airport and went with two room mates, Scotty and Chris, for a drive. the views were incredible, and the final destination was a seafood restaurant that served excelent paella. The retour route was incredible. We took the coastal road, with hairpin turns, too much traffic, and a light drizzle to top it off. Concrete barriers were the only things preventing out car from toppling over a 60+ foot cliff. It was incredible.

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