Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I made it to paris yesterday and visited the Arch de Triomph. I was pleasantly suprised because I never knew you could go up it. It was chilly and cloudy but the view was nice and the clouds would break every so often to highlight another part of the city. Today its even coulder and raining to boot. This visit does make me appreciate Barcelona more, and not just because of the climate. Paris, for all its charm, is a city that serves cars better than people. At least the portion of Paris I visited yesterday. All the wide expansive avenues made each block feel like an island. I wasn't impressed with the Champs D'Elysee either. I understand some people are drawn to the chique shops but there is boutique after empty boutique of bizarre fashion. Hopefully, if the weather improves, today will turn out better. The first stop will be the Pompidou Center.

The real dissapointment is my french speaking abilities. I can hold a simple conversation for a while but the few people foolish to ask me anything on the street simply recieved confused looks back.

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