Friday, March 20, 2009

"It Was a Stolen Bicycle..."

Apparently the theft of his bicycle inspired a teenage Cassius Clay to start boxing training. I had the rear wheel of my bike stole but found no inspiration in the turn of events. I left my bike at the intersection of Diagonal and Passeig de Gracia to catch a bus up to Girona for a class trip. We returned to the city around 10pm that night and were dropped off about two miles away. The next day (wednesday) was full of studio deadlines and spannish studying (midterm on thursday). By the time I went to get my bike, the rear of the frame was resting peacefully on the ground.
In the states people worry about locking up bike wheels if the wheels are expensive. Mine weren't. You'd need a wrench to get it off. My wheel was stolen because rear wheels can run about 30 euros. The bike was a piece of crap. I bought it for 25 euros second hand (maybe even third or fourth hand). I spray painted it, which is something thieves do to disguise the merchandise. The spanish teacher thought I bought a stolen bike until I told her I was the one who painted it. The spraypaint was pealing off, so it was mostly blue but with specks of pink and white. Hell, the pedal arm fell off about a month after I got it.
Despite all of this buying that bicycle was the best decision I've made here. I didn't need a metro pass, I got to and from studio quicker, I got exercise, I had the freedom to cruise the streets (which went well except for the occasional close call with a car or pedestrian).

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